The Significance of Renewable Energy Resources for Pakistan


Pakistan is an energy-deficient country that has been facing an acute shortage of energy for the last few decades. The increasing demand for energy due to the growing population and industrialization has made it necessary for Pakistan to explore alternative energy sources. In recent years, renewable energy resources have emerged as a viable solution to Pakistan’s energy crisis. 

Understanding Renewable Energy Resources

Renewable energy resources are those sources of energy that are replenished naturally and can be used repeatedly. These resources include solar, wind, hydro, and geothermal energy. Unlike fossil fuels, renewable energy resources are environmentally friendly, sustainable, and cost-effective. The use of renewable energy resources is increasing globally due to their numerous benefits, including reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving energy security, and creating job opportunities.

The Potential of Renewable Energy Resources in Pakistan

Pakistan is rich in renewable energy resources, and the country has the potential to generate up to 50,000 MW of electricity from these resources. However, only a small fraction of this potential has been tapped so far. Pakistan has been primarily dependent on thermal power generation, which is not only expensive but also contributes significantly to greenhouse gas emissions.

The government of Pakistan has realized the potential of renewable energy resources and has taken several initiatives to promote their use. These initiatives include the Alternative Energy Development Board (AEDB) and the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA). The AEDB has been tasked with the promotion of renewable energy technologies, while NEPRA has been mandated to develop policies and regulations for the promotion of renewable energy.

The Benefits of Renewable Energy Resources for Pakistan

The use of renewable energy resources has several benefits for Pakistan. Firstly, it can help the country reduce its dependence on imported oil and gas, which will not only save foreign exchange but also improve energy security. Secondly, renewable energy resources are environmentally friendly and do not contribute to air pollution, which is a major health hazard in Pakistan. Thirdly, the use of renewable energy resources can create job opportunities in the country, especially in rural areas where these resources are abundant.

Solar Energy

Solar energy is one of the most promising renewable energy resources in Pakistan, given the country’s abundant sunshine. The government has set a target of achieving 30% of its electricity generation from renewable sources, and solar energy is expected to play a significant role in achieving this target. The government has also launched several initiatives to promote solar energy, including the installation of solar panels in public buildings and the establishment of solar power plants.

Wind Energy

Wind energy is another promising renewable energy resource in Pakistan, especially in coastal areas and mountainous regions. Pakistan has a potential capacity of 50,000 MW from wind energy, but only a small fraction of this potential has been utilized. The government has launched several initiatives to promote wind energy, including the establishment of wind power projects in Sindh and Balochistan.

Success Stories of Renewable Energy in Pakistan

Pakistan has already achieved significant success in the use of renewable energy resources. The Quaid-e-Azam Solar Power Plant, the largest solar power plant in the country, has a capacity of 100 MW and is located in Bahawalpur. The plant has been operational since 2016 and has significantly contributed to the country’s electricity generation. Similarly, the Jhimpir Wind Power Plant, located in Sindh, has a capacity of 50 MW and has been operational since 2016.


Renewable energy resources have significant potential for Pakistan and can help the country overcome its energy crisis. The government’s initiatives to promote renewable energy have already yielded positive results, but more needs to be done to tap the full potential of these resources. Pakistan needs to focus on developing a comprehensive renewable energy policy and creating an enabling environment for the private sector to invest in renewable energy projects. The country also needs to address the challenges related to the integration of renewable energy into the existing grid system.

The benefits of renewable energy resources for Pakistan are clear, including reducing dependence on imported oil and gas, improving energy security, and creating job opportunities. The use of renewable energy resources will also contribute to the country’s efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate the impacts of climate change.

In conclusion, Pakistan needs to prioritize the development of renewable energy resources to address its energy crisis and achieve sustainable development. The country has the potential to become a regional leader in renewable energy, and with the right policies and initiatives, it can achieve this goal.

Submitted & Written by:
Muhammad Arham (Sindh)