Mastering Percentages: Solving Basic Percentage Problems

Percentage is a way of expressing a quantity or amount as a fraction of 100.
It is represented by the symbol “%”.
For example, if you scored 85 out of 100 in a test, your percentage score would be 85%.

To express percentages in fractions, simply divide the percentage by 100 and simplify the resulting fraction if possible.
For example:
25% = 25/100 = 1/4
75% = 75/100 = 3/4
60% = 60/100 = 3/5
10% = 10/100 = 1/10

To express percentages in decimals, simply divide the percentage by 100.
For example:
25% = 25/100 = 0.25
75% = 75/100 = 0.75
60% = 60/100 = 0.60
10% = 10/100 = 0.10

Let’s Do Some Practice 

1.Express 40% as a fraction and a decimal.
40% = 40/100 = 2/5 = 0.40

2.Express 125% as a fraction and a decimal.
125% = 125/100 = 5/4 = 1.25

3.Express 3/5 as a percentage and a decimal.
3/5 = 60/100 = 60% = 0.60

4.Express 0.75 as a percentage and a fraction.
0.75 = 75/100 = 75% = 3/4

5.Express 1/8 as a percentage and a decimal.
1/8 = 12.5% = 0.125

6.Express 80% as a fraction and a decimal.
80% = 80/100 = 4/5 = 0.80

7.Express 5/6 as a percentage and a decimal.
5/6 = 83.33% = 0.8333

8.Express 150% as a fraction and a decimal.
150% = 150/100 = 3/2 = 1.50

9.Express 0.125 as a percentage and a fraction.
0.125 = 12.5% = 1/8

10.Express 0.4 as a percentage and a fraction.
0.4 = 40% = 2/5

11.Express 2.5% as a fraction and a decimal.
2.5% is equivalent to 2.5/100, which can be simplified to 1/40 as a fraction.
As a decimal, 2.5% is equal to 0.025.

12.Express 60% as a fraction and a decimal.
60% is equivalent to 60/100, which can be simplified to 3/5 as a fraction.
As a decimal, 60% is equal to 0.6.

Now General Percentage Problems
Requested By:

Question 1:
What percentage is equivalent to 3/4?
We can set up a proportion: x/100 = 3/4,
where x is the percentage we’re trying to find. Cross-multiplying,
we get 4x = 300, so x = 75%.
Therefore, 3/4 is equivalent to 75%.
Requested by: Asif 

Question 2:
If 40% of a number is 24, what is the number?
We can set up a proportion: 40/100 = 24/x,
where x is the number we’re trying to find.
we get 40x = 2400, so x = 60.
Therefore, the number is 60.
Requested by: Ahmed Ali

Question 3:
What is 15% of 80?
To find 15% of 80,
we can multiply 80 by 0.15.
This gives us 12.
Requested by: Ahmed Ali

Question 4:
If a pizza has 12 slices and a person eats 3 slices, what percentage of the pizza did they eat?
To find the percentage, we can divide the number of slices eaten by the total number of slices and then multiply by 100.
This gives us (3/12) x 100 = 25%.
Therefore, the person ate 25% of the pizza.
Requested by: Ali Nawaz

Question 5:
A recipe calls for 1/2 cup of sugar for every 2 cups of flour. What percentage of the recipe is sugar?
To find the percentage, we can divide the amount of sugar by the total amount of ingredients (sugar + flour) and then multiply by 100.
This gives us (1/2) / (1/2 + 2) x 100 = 20%.
Therefore, sugar makes up 20% of the recipe.
Requested by: Ali Nawaz

Question 6:
A recipe calls for 3/4 cup of milk for every 1 cup of flour. What percentage of the recipe is milk?
To find the percentage, we can divide the amount of milk by the total amount of ingredients (milk + flour) and then multiply by 100.
This gives us (3/4) / (3/4 + 1) x 100 = 42.86% (rounded to two decimal places).
Therefore, milk makes up 42.86% of the recipe.
Requested by: Ali Nawaz

Question 7:
A pizza has 8 slices and a person eats 2 slices. What percentage of the pizza did they eat?
To find the percentage, we can divide the number of slices eaten by the total number of slices and then multiply by 100.
This gives us (2/8) x 100 = 25%.
Therefore, the person ate 25% of the pizza.
Requested by: Ali Nawaz

Question 8:
A recipe calls for 2 cups of flour and 1 cup of sugar. If a baker wants to make a smaller batch using only 1 cup of flour, how much sugar should they use?
(1/2 x 1 = 0.5)
The baker should use 0.5 cups of sugar
Requested by: Meer Muhammad

Question 9:
A car rental company charges $50 per day for a rental car, with an additional charge of 10 cents per mile driven.
If a customer rents a car for 3 days and drives 150 miles, how much will they be charged?
($50 x 3 + $0.10 x 150 = $65)
The customer will be charged $65
Requested by: Sarfaraz Ahmed

Now to find out
New Price/Sale Price

Question 1:
If a shirt originally costs $40 and is now on sale for 20% off, what is the new price?
The discount is 20% of $40, which is $8.
Therefore, the new price is $40 – $8 = $32.
Requested by: Asim

Question 2:
A shirt that was originally priced at $50 is now on sale for 20% off. What is the sale price?
($50 – (20% x $50) = $40).
The sale price of the shirt is $40
Requested by: Asim

Question 3:
A car dealership offers a 5% discount on all new cars. If a car costs $25,000, what is the sale price?
The discount is 5% of $25,000, which is $1,250.
So,the sale price is $25,000 – $1,250 = $23,750.
Requested by: Aakash Kumar

Question 4:
A store has a sale where all items are 20% off. If a shirt originally costs $30, what is the sale price?
The discount is 20% of $30, which is $6.
Therefore, the sale price is $30 – $6 = $24.
Alternative Method
A store has a sale where all items are 30% off. If a book originally costs $20, what is the sale price?
Answer: The sale price of the book is $14
Requested by: Asad

Question 5:
A movie theater has a seating capacity of 500 people. If 80% of the seats are filled for a particular movie, how many people are in the audience?
There are 500 x 0.80 = 400 people in the audience.
Requested by: Ameer Bux

Question 6:
If 15% of the people in a city are over the age of 65, and there are 300,000 people living in the city, how many people are over the age of 65?
(15% x 300,000 = 45,000).
There are 45,000 people over the age of 65
Requested by: Ameer Bux

Question 7:
A company has 100 employees, 60% of whom are women. How many of the employees are women?
(60% x 100 = 60)
There are 60 women employees
Requested by: Ameer Bux

Question 8:
A gym membership costs $60 per month. If a member gets a 10% discount for paying for 6 months in advance, how much will they save?
The discount is 10% of 6 months’ worth of membership fees, which is $60 x 6 x 0.10 = $36.
Therefore, the member will save $36.
Requested by: Daniyal

Question 9:
A restaurant’s food cost is 30% of its revenue. If the restaurant’s revenue last month was $50,000, how much did they spend on food cost?
The food cost is 30% of $50,000, which is $15,000.
Therefore, the restaurant spent $15,000 on food cost.
Requested by: Aamir

Question 10:
A company has 500 employees, and 60% of them have been with the company for more than 5 years.
How many employees have been with the company for more than 5 years?
There are 500 x 0.60 = 300 employees who have been with the company for more than 5 years.
Requested by: Muneeb

Question 11:
If a car depreciates by 15% each year, how much will it be worth after 3 years if its original value was $20,000?
After one year, the car will be worth 85% of its original value, or $17,000.
After two years, it will be worth 85% of $17,000, or $14,450.
After three years, it will be worth 85% of $14,450, or $12,282.50.
Requested by: Aayan

Question 12:
If a company’s profits increase by 25% from one year to the next, what is the new profit if the original profit was $10,000?
The increase in profits is 25% of $10,000, which is $2,500.
Therefore, the new profit is $10,000 + $2,500 = $12,500.
Requested by: Muhammad Ali

Question 13:
If a company’s revenue was $500,000 last year and it increased by 15% this year, what is the new revenue?
The increase in revenue is 15% of $500,000, which is $75,000.
Therefore, the new revenue is $500,000 + $75,000 = $575,000.
Requested by: Muhammad Ubaid

Question 14:
If a company’s profit margin is 20%, and its revenue last year was $1,000,000,
how much profit did the company make?
The profit is 20% of $1,000,000, which is $200,000.
Therefore, the company made $200,000 in profit.
Requested by: Aqib

Question 15:
If a company’s expenses for the year were $1,000,000 and their revenue was $1,200,000,
what was their profit margin as a percentage?
Answer: (($1,200,000 – $1,000,000) / $1,200,000 x 100 = 20%)
The company’s profit margin was 20%
Requested by: Faizan

Question 16:
If a recipe calls for 2 cups of sugar for every 3 cups of flour, what is the sugar-to-flour ratio as a percentage?
The sugar-to-flour ratio is 2:3. To express this as a percentage,
we can add the two numbers in the ratio (2 + 3 = 5)
and then divide each number by the sum and multiply by 100.
This gives us (2/5) x 100 = 40%.
Requested by: Anwar