Rhodes Scholarship at Oxford University

Rhodes scholarship is one of the prestigious international scholarship. It is an award for students to study at University of Oxford. Rhodes scholarship is now open across the globe. It provides an opportunity to all applicants from all the backgrounds to make their dream come true by studying at oxford the best university of the world.

This prestigious scholarship is awarded to 80 scholars every year, with 32 young students from the United States who represents 50 states.

There are over 2600 generous donors and the Rhodes Trust is standing behind this scholarship as a result Rhodes scholarship worth more than $70,000 per year which cover all the expenses.

Benefits to Rhodes Scholar & How much it worth

This is what every one look for any scholarship. Rhodes scholarship provides a lot of benefit to all the applicants regardless of what they have their background.

It covers all the expenses including university and college fee, university application fee, stipend for living expenses and private health insurance.

Moreover, when you get in Oxford you get one economy class airfare and one economy fare for flight back to your home when you are done with your studies.

You can study two or three years of graduate study. You can study in life sciences, arts and humanities, mathematics, physical sciences and social sciences as well.

Eligible Countries for Rhodes scholarship

If you live in the following countries, you will be able to apply for the Rhodes scholarship.  If you didn’t find your country in the following list you wouldn’t need to worry because this Rhodes scholarship is being considered for different locations.

Currently following countries are eligible namely, Australia, Bermuda, Canada, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Jamaica and Commonwealth Caribbean, Kenya, New Zealand, Pakistan, Southern Africa ( South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia and Swaziland ), United States, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

When you can apply for Rhodes scholarship

This is quite important to note the date you can start applying. If you have missed the applying date then you can still mark up your calendar for future correspondence.

The US Rhodes scholarship application is open each year in early July. Whereas application deadline is 11:59 U.S. Eastern on the first Wednesday of October.

How you can be Rhodes Scholar

Rhodes scholarship is one of the prestigious scholarship in the world. It is a dream of every applicant to be a part of its family. This scholarship has the same criteria what other scholarships demand.

However, the difference is that you should have an excellent academic career which can give you an edge over the others. The Rhodes trust demanded to have a minimum of 3.7 GPA whereas the average GPA of recipients is 3.9.

Moreover, you should have great personal energy in order to pursue achievement, ambition for impact, able to work with others and serve the community.

Three Steps Required to Become a Rhodes scholar

Being Rhodes Scholar is like a dream come true. Most of the new applicant finds hard to apply because they fail to find the right guidance about application procedure and they end up with their dreams. However, the following procedure to apply for Rhodes scholarship could succeed you in getting the scholarship if you win it.

What the information has been provided so far about the Rhodes scholarship is for your knowledge. The most important part of the application process starts from here. These three methods would help you out about Rhodes scholarship application procedure.

Step 1 Meet the requirements for Rhodes Scholarship

The following are the requirements need to fulfill in order to become a Rhodes Scholar

  1. Are you from eligible countries
  2. Under mentioned Age
  3. Excellent in Academic
  4. Interested in Sports
  5. Has provided any service to community
  6. Complete degree within specified time

Here Is A Step by Step Guide on How to Become a Rhodes Scholar

  • Are you from eligible countries

If you live in a country which is eligible for Rhodes scholarship then you may proceed the application process otherwise you may not apply for it. Currently following countries are eligible namely, Australia, Bermuda, Canada, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Jamaica and Commonwealth Caribbean, Kenya, New Zealand, Pakistan, Southern Africa ( South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia and Swaziland ), United States, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

  • Under mentioned Age

You can apply for Rhodes scholarship if you are 18 years old. However, in most countries you cannot be older than 24 years old by October 1 of the year following your selection. Whereas, this also depends upon countries which may extend this age limit to 25 or even to 28. It is important for you to check your home country’s guidelines.

  • Excellent in Academic

This is most important which every university demands likewise Rhodes scholarship demands to have excellent academic career. You should have a minimum of a 3.7 GPA. This is why academic excellence set as first criteria in the will of Cecil Rhodes.

Moreover, you should have great personal energy in order to pursue achievement, ambition for impact, able to work with others and serve the community.

  • Interested in Sports

You should be active in sports this can make your Rhodes application strong. You should have been actively participating in games which shows your fondness towards sport. This is what Rhodes trust require as one of the qualities of a Rhodes Scholar.

If you are disable and cannot participate in sports, it doesn’t matter, don’t worry. You can still participate in other extracurricular activities including drama, debate or chess club. This can show that you have got enough skills that you are pursuing using your talents.

  • Has provided any service to community

When you were in your university or in college, you may have worked to provide service to the community such as years of volunteer work, or other kind of service either to help poor or protection and sympathy for the weak is also what Mr. Rhodes mentioned in his will.

If you have volunteering help to a homeless shelter, served to elderly shut-ins, contributed and worked for charity, will help you to winning application.

It’s worth mentioning a record of service early in your life and high school career.

  • Complete degree within specified time

If you are applying for Rhodes scholarship then you must have completed or expected to complete an undergraduate degree by October 1 in the year following selection otherwise you are not eligible for the Rhodes scholarship because scholarship offers cannot usually be deferred. However, you may apply next year provided that you also meet the requirements has been mentioned so far.

Step 2 How to Write an Essay for Rhodes Scholarship At Oxford

Writing an essay is an important part for Rhodes scholarship. This essay would depict the whole story about you. This would also leave an impression that how you want to pursue you goals. You need to write it very carefully.

  • You can brainstorm your ideas before an outline which can help you to get better ideas.
  • Once you have expanded your ideas, it is time to make an outline that can give you clear thought how you would take your essay.
  • I would recommend to make as many drafts as you can until you get it right.
  • You must address all necessary topics in less than one thousand words. This may include your academic interests and passions, tell them how you experienced to apply, and where this experience at oxford will take you.
  • Your piece of writing shows your genuine voice which reflects your topics and styles different from candidates.
  • You should write about your achievements and experiences together.
  • Tell them why you deserve the scholarship and what motivates you that drive your study and work.
  • The important point that could also help you to win the Rhodes scholarship, explain them why you want to study at oxford, and what would you do there. In this you need to showcase your voice that reflects your keen to study and that should be persuasive one
  • Conclude your essay and show your authenticity

Step 3 Applying For Rhodes Scholarship

The last and important step is to apply for Rhodes scholarship. the following process will definitely help you out while applying for the scholarship.

  1. Get Rhodes scholarship application online at official site
  2. Letters of Recommendation for Rhodes Scholarship
  3. Rhodes Scholar get an endorsement from university
  4. Get official Transcript from your University
  5. Passport Style Photograph
  6. Send Your Application
  7. Get prepared for an interview if selected.

Here is A Step by Step Guidance on How to Apply For Rhodes Scholarship

  • Get Rhodes scholarship application online at official site

When you get Rhodes scholarship application online at the official Rhodes scholarship site. You need to fill the application and get it printed off then contact the proper offices in your home country which has its own local affiliates for Rhodes scholarship program. You may mail, email, or drop off these applications.

  • Letters of Recommendation for Rhodes Scholarship

You need to submit five to eight recommendation letters. These recommendation letters should be from those people with whom you have worked both academically and charitably. You need to get at least four letters from faculty or graduate students, and at least one letter (the fifth) from employees, coaches and people with whom you have worked who can speak to you character.

You need to submit these letters of recommendation in digital form whereas they will not consider hard copies for Rhodes scholarship program. Recommenders should submit their letters online themselves.

  • Rhodes Scholar get an endorsement from university

You will need to contact your school about endorsement for becoming Rhodes Scholar which you may easily get upon your request.

  • Get official Transcript from your University

If you wish to apply for Rhodes scholarship on time without being late. You must leave adequate time to get your transcript. You may also get from other institutions as well if you have learnt from there as well.

  • Passport Style Photograph

You have to send in your passport style photograph with application. This must show just your head and shoulders with high quality image. Wear standard dress to get your best photo.

  • Send Your Application

When you send the application for Rhodes scholarship. You need to wait until announcement is made for an interview. There is no explicit time line that how much it would take to hear back about your application status. However, it may be as little as two weeks beforehand.

There are more than 1500 students apply for this scholarship only from the United States whereas they only select 200 for an interview.

  • Get prepared for an interview if selected.

This is what everyone dream of being among the applicant who have been called for an interview. However, you are not still in for Rhodes scholarship. You need to prepare well for an interview because you may be examined on intellect and reasoning skills.