Understanding the Role of Interjections in English Language

Introduction of Interjection

Interjections are words or phrases that are used to express strong emotions or feelings. They are often used to show surprise, joy, anger, or other intense emotions. Interjections are usually inserted into a sentence or used on their own to convey a particular feeling.

Definition of Interjection

An interjection is a word or phrase that is used to express an emotion or feeling. They are not grammatically related to the other parts of a sentence and can be used on their own or as part of a larger sentence. Examples of interjections include “wow,” “ouch,” “yay,” and “oops.”

Words used in Interjection sense

There are a variety of words that can be used as interjections, each expressing a different emotion or feeling. Here are some examples:

  • Wow! That’s amazing!
  • Ouch! That hurt!
  • Yay! We won the game!
  • Oops! I dropped my phone.
Phrases used as Interjections 

In addition to single words, phrases can also be used as interjections. These phrases are often idiomatic and have a specific meaning that is understood by native speakers. Here are some examples:

  • By the way, have you heard the news?
  • Oh my goodness, I can’t believe it!
  • Well done, you did a great job!
  • No way, that’s impossible!
Mood of Verbs and Parts of Speech used in Exclamatory sense 

Verbs and parts of speech can also be used in an exclamatory sense to express strong emotions. For example:

  • Imperative verbs: “Stop!” “Help!” “Listen!”
  • Adjectives: “Amazing!” “Incredible!” “Fantastic!”
  • Adverbs: “Absolutely!” “Certainly!” “Definitely!”
  • Nouns: “Brilliant!” “Genius!” “Hero!”

Interjection Examples

Oh! I forgot my phone at home. –                 اوہ! میں نے اپنا فون گھر پر بھول گیا۔
Wow! That sunset looks amazing.  واہ! وہ غروب آفتاب بہت خوبصورت نظر آرہا ہے۔
Ouch! I just hit my toe on the table. –            آہ! میں نے اپنے پیر پر ٹیبل سے ٹکرایا۔
Ahem! Can I have your attention, please? –  اہم! کیا آپ توجہ دینے کے لئے تیار ہیں؟
Hurray! We won the match. –                                       ہورے! ہم نے میچ جیت لیا۔
Alas! I missed my flight. –             افسوس! مجھے اپنی فلائٹ کا ٹائم مس نہیں پتا تھا۔
Yikes! There’s a spider on your shoulder. –      بچو! آپ کے کندھے پر ایک مکڑی ہے۔
Phew! That was a close call. –                  افسردہ! یہ تو بالکل بچا لینے والی بات تھی۔
Eww! This food smells terrible. –                   افریڈی! یہ کھانا بہت بری بو دیکھتا ہے۔
Bravo! You did a great job. –                                براوو! آپ نے بہت اچھا کام کیا ہے۔
Oh! That movie was really scary. –                          اوہ! یہ فلم بہت خوفناک تھی۔
Wow! Your new dress looks gorgeous. واہ! آپ کا نیا لباس بہت خوبصورت نظر آرہا ہے۔
Ouch! I burned my hand while cooking. –       آہ! پکانے کے دوران میں نے اپنا ہاتھ جلا لیا۔
Ahem! Let’s get started with the presentation. –       اہم! چلو پریزنٹیشن شروع کریں۔
Hurray! I got accepted into my dream college. –  ہورے! میں اپنے خوابوں کے کالج میں قبول

In conclusion, interjections are an important part of the English language and are used to express emotions and feelings. By using interjections and other forms of exclamatory language, we can add depth and emotion to our writing and speech.